Spring Sports

by Izzy Steele

Spring time the time of year when the flowers start to bloom and athletes can really begin to excel in their spring sports. This is the perfect opportunity for someone to try something new in the athletic world as spring offers the widest variety of sports of all seasons. Track, soccer, tennis and golf are available to all Lisbon students this spring. No matter what you decide to do, do it well.

The Advantage of Sports

I believe that there is multiple advantages to being an athlete in high school. You learn how to properly cooperate with other people and you also learn that, just like in the real world, you have to talk to different people in different ways. You usually address your teammates in a different manner then you would address your coaches. In a job setting you would also address your co-workers differently than your boss. I think that sports can also give you a good taste of not always succeeding at what you want. Losing a game really sucks, but it can help prepare you to not always have things go your way in the real world. Lastly, it can help with leadership. Being in charge on the floor or court can help you be recognized as a positive leader of a team. This will then carry over to the workplace when you are faced with the challenge of telling people what to do you would be more prepared to do it efficiently.


Boys and girls track is great way to get into shape while still being able to spend time with your best friends. If you are planning on joining track you have to be ready to work hard and give 100% effort everyday. Track helps you learn how to cooperate with other people in team relay events. It can also teach you that you have to be healthy off the field to become a better runner. One huge advantage to track is that there are various options that can accommodate the wants of various people. If you are interested in sprinting, sweet. If you like to take long runs, also sweet. If you don’t like to run at all and would prefer to throw, even sweeter. All of these mindsets work in track because of the huge amount of events you can run in.


This sport is an awesome way to compete in something that you love, but if you hate running (and lots of it) soccer is not the sport for you. Although the benefits outweigh the running, you do spend lots of time running field long killers, followed by 3 miles, and then some hills. It does seem like loads of running on certain days. Soccer is a great way to meet new friends from other schools, as we are a combined team with Mount Vernon. I have created bonds with girls from those schools that will last a lifetime. I think this sport is a great way to make you more mentally tough while still teaching you amazing basics like hand-eye coordination and quick feet (which obviously transfer over to other sports.) Soccer is a fun sport to try if you are trying something for the first time. You can learn many things about the game in one practice and the games are always fun time.

Soccer field under the night time lights


Tennis and golf are also sports that we combine with Mount Vernon to compete in. I think both of these sports are a fun way to meet new people while still not having to do much running. It is a good way to learn new skills and not breaking too heavy of a sweat. I think that golf can be a fun way to learn patience and work on those calf muscles. Tennis can be an easy way to acquire hand-eye coordination and gain some crazy arm muscle. These sports will also be able to create long-time friendships with girls that you never expected.
